Month Activity. She stated in speaking to Juliet Parker, who was the NAACP
Secretary, that Ms. Parker stated that the NAACP was willing to help Ledyard with
their program. However, Ms. Parker asked that she submit their request in writing,
noting that Ms. Parker provided her e-mail address.
Superintendent of Schools Jason Hartling - Councilor Rodriguez stated that Mr.
Hartling was pleased that one of the Contest Judges would be a Board of Education
Member. She stated Mr. Hartling requested that the information regarding the Black
History Month Activity and Essay Contest be provided to the Schools in November,
because the Art Teachers needed time to plan for the projects and to include the
initiative into schedules.
Poster Contest - Councilor Rodriguez stated the Poster Contest for the elementary
school students would remain the same as last year. She stated the variety of Black
History Month posters the kids came up with were great.
Essay Contest - Councilor Rodriguez stated Black History Month Essay Topic was
going to be “Black Resistance - How African Americans Have Fought Repression
from America’s Earliest Days”, noting that this was the national theme.
Councilor Rodriguez stated that she would send a draft of the 2023 Black History Month
Activity and Poster Contest Information to the Community Relations Committee to
review and to provide comments before she sent it off the Board of Education to be
distributed to the Principals’ Offices at each of the schools.
Councilor Paul stated with the Town Council being seated in December, 2021 and their
Sub- Committees not holding their first regular meeting until January, 2022 that the
Black History Month Program (February) came up quick last year. He stated he has put
some thought into the program; and he questioned whether it would be a good idea to
transition the Black History Month Activity over to the Board of Education, with the
Town Council’s Community Relations Committee acting in a supportive role. He noted
as Councilor Rodriguez explained, with the need to involve Superintendent Hartling, the
School Principals, and the Teachers that it may be more appropriate for the Board of
Education to directly handle the essay and posters contest with Councilor Rodriguez’s
direction. He suggested that perhaps the Essay Contest winner could read their essay at a
Town Council meeting; and as they did last year, the winning posters could be displayed.
He stated by the Board of Education taking the lead on the Black History Activity and
Essay Contest, that perhaps the schools would be able to do more with the students by
focusing additional programs on Black History Month with thinks like school
assemblies, etc.
Councilor Saums addressed Councilor Paul’s suggestion to transition the Black History
Month Activities to the Board of Education. He stated because the Board of Education
had a lot on their plate, and a lot of competing initiatives, that perhaps Councilor
Rodriguez could help with lining up judges, or with establishing the contest the
guidelines, or with handling things that had specific timelines, etc.
Councilor Rodriguez stated she would bring Councilor Paul’s and Councilor Saums’
suggestions regarding Black History Month Activities to Superintendent Hartling.
However, she stated the Essay Contest and Poster Contest was only part of the Black
History Month Activity, noting that she was also trying to figure out other ideas for
Black History Month for the town.
Councilor Paul requested clarification, questioning whether the other ideas for the town
that Councilor Rodriguez was trying to figure out would be separate from the essay
contest and poster contest. Councilor Rodriguez stated Councilor Paul’s understanding