Informational Presentation regarding the Land Use processes relative to the approval of
applications, to help residents understand the complexities involved relative to Regulatory,
the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), etc.
· Informational Presentation regarding the Land Use processes relative to the approval of
applications, to help residents understand the complexities involved relative to Regulatory,
the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), etc.
Councilor Paul stated based on some of the new developments in Gales Ferry such as the
Dollar General Store and the Cashman Marine Dredging at the former Dow Chemical
property, that residents have been questioning the Land Use process and approvals. He noted
at their November 16, 2022 meeting the Community Relations Committee discussed
working with the Land Use Departments to put together a presentation to help residents
understand the Land Use processes relative to the approval of applications, etc. He noted the
Informational Presentation that Public Works/Town Engineer Steve Masalin provided at the
Committee’s November 16, 2022 was awesome; and that it was unfortunate that it was not
well attended. However, he stated the video was available on the town’s website. He stated
when residents raise questions regarding snowplowing or mailboxes and other Public Works
matters that they could be directed to the video presentation on-line. He went on to state that
the Committee could do something similar to assist the Land Use Departments get
information to residents pertaining to the structure and operations of the Town’s Land Use
The Community Relations Committee discussed the complexities of Land Use stating that it
involved Regulatory, State Statutes, the Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), etc.,
noting that Land Use matters were not discretionary; an Application either met the
Regulations or it did not meet the Regulations.
Councilor Saums suggested that the Land Use Informational Presentation be focused on the
structure, process, and operation and that they not get into addressing address specific
developments such as Dollar General Store and the Cashman Marine Dredging at the former
Dow Chemical property. He stated the Presentation should help residents understand the
process to put an addition on their home, build a deck, put in a new driveway, subdivisions,
as well the process for how commercial businesses, in general, were approved.
Councilor Paul stated the video of the Land Use Informational Presentation along with a
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Sheet to answer general land use questions could be
posted on the town’s website, the meeting portal, and it could also be linked to social media
pages. He noted that the Land Use Department was currently short-staffed; and therefore, he
suggested waiting until the after the holidays to begin working with Land Use Director Juliet
Hodge on this initiative. The Committee agreed that they would like to provide the Land Use
Informational Presentation before May, 2023.
Continued discussion and possible action to identify various town venues to host “Informal
Conversations in the Park” to engage residents in discussions regarding their concerns and
their ideas for potential solutions.
Councilor Paul suggested the Community Relations Committee develop a list of the
types of programs they would like to inform residents about and then decide on a