CT0727091 LWPCA Ledyard Center Pb/Cu Fall 2024 Dietrich, Stephen ​ Dwdcompliance, ; ​ Smith, Mandy ​ ​ Fred Allyn, III; ​ Christina Hostetler; ​ Director's Office ; ​ Manville, Juston ; ​+2 others ​ ​ Dear DWD Compliance, Today, results of the fall 2024 lead and copper analyses for CT0727091 LWPCA Ledyard Center were submitted to CT DPH, DWS via CMDP. Please note that 39 of the 40 lead analyses had results less than the lead Action Level of 0.015 mg/L. In fact, 38 of the 40 samples had a result of “ND<0.0010,” and the next-to-highest result was 0.0015 mg/L lead. Only one of the samples had a result greater than 0.015 mg/L. Please see attached (“…Fall 2024 Pb_Cu results”). The location of that one sample was at 13 Cartridge Trail, Ledyard, and the lead value at that site was 0.090 mg/L. The customer was notified within 24 hours of our receiving the LWPCA Ledyard Center results, first by telephone (left voicemail) and then by mail (using the DPH-required notification form, and including a copy of AWWA’s “How to Flush Your Aerator.” These documents were also mailed within 24 hours of receiving the results from our subcontract lab.) The other 39 customers who collected these samples were notified of their results within 30 days, as required. As is expected by DPH DWS, we worked with the customer who had the high lead result to attack the root cause of this high lead result; it took 3 sets of Investigative Samples till the various actions taken each time by the customer finally produced the required results, i.e., all 4 sample bottles with results less than 0.015 mg/L lead. Each time, the customer was notified of these results within 24 hours, both by telephone and by USPS mail (Please see “…13 Cartridge Trail Pb results…” attachment). The third round of Investigative Samples were all below the 0.015 mg/L lead Action Level. As you may see in the attachment mentioned above, our final mailing to the customer advised him to continue flushing his faucet regularly, as well as checking and cleaning his aerator regularly, in order to minimize his potential exposure to lead in his drinking water. He was also advised him to flush the cold water anytime the water went unused for a significant period of time, such as overnight, or when everyone has been away from the house during the day. For your convenience, I have included an attachment that is a summary page of the results, and the actions taken by the customer each time between Investigative Sample sets. Please note that all samples, including the original one were collected at the kitchen faucet. Please feel free to contact me with any questions! Best regards, Steve Dietrich Water Quality Manager, Groton Utilities Groton Water Treatment Plant Lab Phone (860) 446-4080 Fax (860) 440-9940