Ian Stammel ​ water pollution control authority; ​ Matthew Bonin ​ ​ Stephen Banks ​ Hi Ed, There are still a number of adjustments that still need to be done before I can provide year end reports. I believe all FY24 bills have been paid but the CNR contributions still need to be done, Sewer employee benefits need to calculated and pulled out of the general fund and expensed in the sewer fund, and fixed assets need to assessed so the annual depreciation amount can be booked just to name a few things. All of these should likely be completed by your October meeting and I can provide unaudited year end numbers then. Thanks for your patience. It is a very busy time of year. Ian Stammel 1506609469710_PastedImage Assistant Finance Director, Town of Ledyard 741 Colonel Ledyard Hwy. Ledyard, CT 06339 (860) 464-3258 www.ledyardct.org