MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC of Blacksburg, Virginia in the amount of $32,590 due to receiving fewer than the required three bids in response to Bid #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat), in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing”.
The Board of Education solicited Bids for #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat). Director of Facilities and Grounds Wayne Donaldson called and or emailed as many vendors as possible, however, he received no responses/bids.
Therefore, the Board of Education has requested a Bid Waiver in the amount of $32,590 to Marineland to purchase the needed units to house small animals such as birds, reptiles and small mammals at the LHS Agricultural Science small animal lab.
Marineland was the only vendor the school could find that had units that would get through the doors and be short enough to fit under the ceiling. (Please see attached Bid and Quotes)
Department Comment/Recommendation:
(type text here)
Finance Director Comment/Recommendation:
Account 21070101-58261 (Ag-Science Capital) has an unencumbered, available balance of $45,029.
Mayor Comment/Recommendation:
(type text here)
Meeting Action Detail:
Town Council Meeting 03/08/2023
File #: 231267 Version: 1
Type: Financial Business Request (FBR)
MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC of Blacksburg, Virginia in the amount of $32,590 due to receiving fewer than the required three bids in response to Bid #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat), in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing”.
Moved: Saums Seconded: Ingalls
Action: Approved
Minute Note:
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Saums
Discussion: Councilor Saums stated Board of Education Director of Buildings and Facilities Wayne Donaldson solicited Requests for Proposals Bid #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat) and that he also did a lot of work in calling and sending e-mails to vendors to try to obtain proposals to purchase equipment and cabinets to house small animals such as birds, ferrets, reptiles. However, he stated only one vendor replied and they only sent price lists. He stated after talking with Mr. Donaldson last week, that he went back to the vendor and confirmed that their pricing was as contained in the Pricing Sheet and that they would honor those prices. He also explained that in researching the equipment needed that Mr. Donaldson found that Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC., was the only vendor that makes enclosures that would fit into the classroom. Therefore, he stated the Board of Education has requested a Bid Waiver to purchase the necessary equipment to house the small animals in the Agri-Science Lab. He noted that Mr. Donaldson was present this evening via Zoom if anyone had any questions.
Councilor Saums went on to explain that the small animals was a new Agri-Science (Vo-Ag) Program stating that they have done away with the large animals such as horses and cows program and have replaced it with the small animal program. He stated the small animal program would teach the Agri-Science students how to groom dogs and take care of reptiles and birds, etc. He stated this equipment would house the small animals. He stated this equipment would be paid from the Agri-Science Grant funding noting at their September 14, 2022 meeting the Town Council authorized the Board of Education to spend up to $146,558 from Account #21070101-5826 (BOE CNR ASTE) as outlined in the Board of Education Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Supplemental Spending Plan for Agri-Science Program.
Board of Education Director of Buildings and Facilities Wayne Donaldson explained the biggest issue in trying to purchase this equipment was the dimensions of the Agri-Lab Classroom, noting that the ceilings were low and doors were narrow. Therefore, he stated Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet was the only company they could find who made cabinets that would fit into the room.
Councilor Ryan noted the backup information included an e-mail from Mr. Donaldson expressing concern about the freight/shipping and pallet charges that would be in addition to the equipment cost of $32,590. Therefore, he questioned whether they should increase the Bid Waiver amount to provide for the additional freight and pallet charges. Councilor Saums stated they asked the vendor to stand by their Pricing List; however, he stated the vendor was not responsible for the and had no control over freight/shipping and pallet charges. Therefore ,he stated the Bid Waiver was not to exceed the $32,590 and would pay for the equipment, explaining that they may need to revisit this request to find the money to pay for the freight/shipping and pallet charges, noting at this time they do not know what those costs were. Councilor Ryan noted the shipping time was about thirteen weeks, therefore, they would have time to revisit this should they need to.
VOTE: 7 - 0 Approved and so declared
Action: Approved
Finance Committee Meeting 03/01/2023:
File #: 231267 Version: 1
Type: Financial Business Request (FBR)
MOTION to grant a Bid Waiver to Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC of Blacksburg, Virginia in the amount of $32,590 due to receiving fewer than the required three bids in response to Bid #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat), in accordance with Ordinance #200-001 (rev 1) “An Ordinance for Purchasing”.
Moved: Ingalls Seconded: Saums
Action: Recommend to Approve
Minute Note:
Moved by Councilor Ingalls, seconded by Councilor Saums
Discussion: Councilor Saums stated Board of Education Director of Buildings and Facilities Wayne Donaldson solicited Requests for Proposals Bid #LPS 22-10 (Ledyard Public Schools Agricultural Science Small Animal Habitat) and did a lot of work in calling and sending e-mails to vendors to try to obtain proposals to purchase equipment and cabinets to house small animals such as birds, ferrets, reptiles for the Agri-Science Program (Vo-Ag). However, he stated only one vendor, Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC., replied, but that they only sent price lists. He stated after talking with Mr. Donaldson last week, that Mr. Donaldson went back to the vendor and confirmed that their pricing was as contained in the Pricing Sheet and that they would honor those prices. He also explained that in researching the equipment needed that Mr. Donaldson found that Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, LLC., was the only vendor that made enclosures that would fit into the classroom. Therefore, he stated the Board of Education has requested a Bid Waiver to purchase the necessary equipment to house the small animals in the Agri-Science Lab.
Board of Education Director of Buildings and Facilities Wayne Donaldson explained the Agri-Science Lab had a limited low ceiling and the doorway was narrow. Therefore, he stated to get the equipment into the room that it had to be a certain size. He stated the other two companies he contacted would not provide a bid proposal, noting that the units they sold were too high to fit into the space. He stated this equipment would be paid for from the Agri-Science Grant funding noting at their September 14, 2022 meeting the Town Council authorized the Board of Education to spend up to $146,558 from Account #21070101-5826 (BOE CNR ASTE) as outlined in the Board of Education Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Supplemental Spending Plan for Agri-Science Program. He stated in addition to the $32,590 listed on the pricing sheet that there would freight and pallet charges.
Councilor Saums stated if the Vendor, Marineland, Spectrum Brands Pet, changed their pricing that the Board of Education would need to come back to request another bid waiver.
Councilor Ingalls questioned whether this equipment was replacing old units or whether this was a new project. Mr. Donaldson stated the small animals was a new Agri-Science (Vo-Ag) Project explaining that they have done away with the large animals such as the horses and cows program and have replaced it with the small animal program. He stated the small animal program would teach the Agri-Science students how to groom dogs and take care of reptiles and birds, etc. He stated this equipment would house the small animals.
VOTE: 2 - 0 Approved and so declared
Action: Recommend to Approve